速報APP / 娛樂 / Artemis Messenger

Artemis Messenger





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異


Artemis Messenger(圖1)-速報App

This is a handy companion app meant to be used with Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, a game created by Thom Robertson. It organizes all of the information received from side missions, ally ship and docking station status reports into three convenient tables for easy viewing.

Artemis Messenger(圖2)-速報App

Side missions occur when an ally or station says "Help us help you" and gives you a place to go before returning to them and receiving a reward, such as enhanced shield generators or nuclear torpedoes. The side missions table displays information about the "source", i.e. the first place to go; the "destination", i.e. the second place to go, which is also the same as the entity that sent the message; and the reward. The place to go next is displayed over an orange background. When the mission is finished, the row turns green; touch this row to remove it from the table.

Artemis Messenger(圖3)-速報App

Some allies reject orders given to them by Comms, for many possible reasons. Some of them are disabled and require energy or a DamCon team. Some of them have been taken over by enemies that blackmail you. And some of them are not allies at all, but are instead traps in disguise. The allies table tells you the condition that each ally is in and how to handle it. It also displays information about the ally's shields and whether the ally has energy to spare or, in Deep Strike mode, torpedoes.

Artemis Messenger(圖4)-速報App

The stations table tells you information about the docking stations, including their shields, ordnance storage, current ordnance production, estimated time of completion and replacement fighters. You can also touch any station's row to request that the station prepares for docking. You can also see which station is ready for docking, which one is docked at and which one is the closest if you are not docked.

Artemis Messenger(圖5)-速報App

With so many places to stop at to help out allies and complete side missions, Artemis Messenger also has an efficient routing algorithm to compute the route of minimum distance among all of the points.

Credit goes to Robert J. Walker for his excellent IAN library which has made it possible for this app to communicate with an Artemis server and receive packets!